Custom Domain In Azure Web App

2 min readJun 24, 2022


在Azure Web App 做網域設定

I manage my domains and DNS records on Cloudflare, so I will use this to set up DNS in step 4.

我使用 Cloudflare 管理我的網域及 DNS 設定,所以我在步驟四將會使用它來設定。

Follow the following steps:

  1. [Azure] Select the app service for which you want to set uo a custom domain.
    選擇你想設置自有網域的的 app service
Select the app service for which you want to set uo a custom domain.

2. [Azure] Click the ‘Custom domains’ selection.
點擊 "自訂網域"

Click the ‘Custom domains’ selection.

3. [Azure] Copy the ‘IP address’ and ‘Custom Domain Verification ID’
複製 ‘IP 位址’ 及 ‘自訂網域驗證識別碼’

Copy the ‘IP address’ and ‘Custom Domain Verification ID’

4. [Cloudflare] Select the domain for which you want to set uo the DNS record.
選擇想設置 DNS 的 Domain

Select the domain for which you want to set uo the DNS record.

5. [Cloudflare] Into DNS page
進入 DNS 頁面

Add a new record
modify the content of Type: A

6. [Cloudflare] We will modify the content of Type: A and add a new records

  • the content of Type: A: ‘IP address’ (step 3, copy from Azure)
  • Type: TXT
    Name: asuid
    Content: ‘Custom Domain Verification ID’ (step 3, copy from Azure)
    預期修改 Type: A 的內容以及新增一個新的紀錄



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